What Are The Freedom Codes™?

When I got it, I mean really got it, that if things were going to change, it was up to me.

My focus expanded from losing weight to gaining health and happiness and living a long, energetic, enjoyable life.

Oh, but how to be happy???

I'd been so stressed, uptight, frustrated and exhausted for so long. It wasn't like I could just change my life! I had to work out how to change whilst my life was just as it was.

I looked back over my 25 years of study and the 300+ strategies I'd documented in my struggle to break-free and I chose the ones I'd had the most success with and I called them my Freedom Codes™.

Because the word code means;

Secret communication

And in computing terms code means;

Program instructions.

The human mind is likened to a computer and if wanted to re-write my unconscious programs I'd have to use secret communications to myself so I could break-free and forget about dieting, focus on living, and lose weight™.

The Freedom Codes™

Real Tools.
For A Real Life.

Dietless Living® is the result
Personal Health Leadership Programs™ is the process
The Freedom Codes™ are the vehicle that get you there.

Jim Rohn said: " Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better.

Begin living your diet-free life today here.