This week I released a podcast about will-power and how implausible it is to rely on it to get us to success when it comes to sustainable weight loss.
I got some interesting comments and thoughts about the relationship between will-power and weight loss on social media:
“I think it's to do with the short-term desire compared with the long-term need. What do you think Katie?”
“Keep going and will power grows with stamina to get you there”
“Once you change your mindset you won't want the things you used to want.”
“Willpower is 3 quarters of the battle! If not more”
“Is the problem that we don't think and plan for the long term? So often we start off full of enthusiasm but run out of steam unless we change our short term view to one of a long term result.”
In our 3 Systems of Health Consciousness™ our unconscious mind is focused on/living in, a state of survival because that’s it job, to make sure our basic needs are met and to protect us from hurtful, harmful things.
But living in a state of survival is counterproductive to sustainable weight because it drives our most unhealthy behaviours, which means will-power will always fatigue and fail under that relentless drive.
For all its infinite intelligence, our unconscious mind is very short sighted. A cookie now to relieve tension is preferable over abstaining so we can lose weight in order to live longer, because in the eyes of our unconscious mind, we may not live long enough to enjoy that health if we don’t relieve the tension in our body right now.
The problem with the cookie is that it doesn’t actually relieve tension; it perpetuates it with its sugars. It makes the body work hard to reduce the sugar in the blood stream and ultimately creating a sedative effect as our available energy is channelled to that process. We then have to push through that slump in energy to be able to complete the tasks of our day, which of course creates more internal tension that the unconscious mind wants to relieve with - you guessed it - another cookie.
That’s why Dietless Living® 3 Systems of Health Consciousness™ and Personal Health Leadership™ programs are so effective, because nothing about our unhealthy habits makes any sense except in the light of our unconscious mind.
If you’re ready to lose weight now, getting started is easy.
Find out more about Getting Started here.
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