With a cyclone heading toward Brisbane tomorrow, it’s one of those moments that makes you stop and think—what really matters?
When life throws uncertainty our way, we’re reminded that it’s not the things we’ve bought in a moment of retail therapy that we truly care about.
It’s our family, our loved ones, our home—the things that make us feel safe, grounded, and connected.
And yet, in everyday life, it’s so easy to get caught up in accumulating stuff—new clothes, gadgets, home décor, or another pair of shoes we don’t really need. But when we strip it all back, we see how little of it actually matters when faced with real challenges.
How Simplifying Life Strengthens Our Health & Well-Being
The truth is, life feels lighter when we’re not weighed down by clutter, financial stress, or by an...
We all think we are in control of most things in our life don’t we?
But what we’re usually trying to control is the day to details of a stupidly busy hectic life.
We work hard at juggling our responsibilities, and push through exhaustion, but at some point, along the way we realise we have dropped off something – relationships, fun, health, rest, career, spirituality, community, finances or some unrealised dream and we do our best to change course and bring one or all of them back in.
But have you ever stopped to ask why any of those things are important to you?
What is it that you’re really chasing after?
I ask myself that question alllllll the time!
I get caught up in the doing "of things", the steps and tasks I need to accomplish to get to wherever it is I want to go.
Some of those steps have been exhausting,...
I used to say, with pride, that I was driven to achieve—results-driven and driven to succeed, driven to lose weight, driven to get things done! But as it turned out, that was not a recipe for happy success.
When you’re driven, you’re the passenger right? At the mercy of where the driver wants to take you and how they want to drive!—Whether it’s slow as a snail or reckless and relentless, side-swiping everything in the way and leaving you arriving at your destination feeling like a wreck: weight and health issues, relationships in tatters, exhausted and unable to find the joy.
But when you’re the driver, you’re in control. Your hands are on the wheel, your feet are on the pedals, and you decide where you want to go. You can pull over for rest stops when you need them and take detours to explore the things that bring you joy.
Being driven means your...
You know that feeling when you’re absolutely drained, running on fumes, and all you want is something—something salty, something sweet, something bold?
It’s not just about hunger. It’s about relief.
We chase bolder, richer flavours—not because we need more taste, but because we need something to cut through the noise of life: The exhaustion, the never-ending to-do lists and the feeling of being stretched too thin.
Food becomes a crutch, a way to push back against burnout. But instead of grounding us, it does the opposite.
It overstimulates our senses. It keeps our nervous system wired. And over time, it traps us in a loop of craving—because our taste buds adapt, demanding more intensity just to feel something.
So, how do we break free?
Instead of tightening down, think about loosening up: Off First with this “Long Weekend...
The other day, a friend sighed and said, “2025 has been a long year already.”
We laughed, but honestly? I think a lot of people feel the same way.
It’s barely February, and yet the pace is relentless isn’t it? The holidays feel like a distant memory, emails are piling up, and the to-do lists aren’t getting any shorter. We power through, promising ourselves we’ll rest later. But later never really comes, does it?
Before we know it, we’re crawling into December, running on fumes, wondering how another year slipped through our fingers.
What’s the problem? We don’t plan for rest—we just hope it happens.
Why You’re More Exhausted Than You Realize
If you’ve ever felt like the second half of the year hits harder, there’s a reason for that.
At first glance, the start of the...
It’s time now to put away thoughts of schedules, deadlines, and work pressures and start moving into the joy of Christmas cheer and the New Year.
What has been your biggest highlight this year? I think for me it’s been that constant evolution of awareness of what I’ve been doing – how I’ve been thinking, feeling and dealing with life and what I do on a daily basis that is or isn’t taking me to the future I envision for myself.
And like most people, the moments of bravery, happiness, and confidence from the first half of the year have been forgotten. Yet, it’s important to carry those moments forward into 2025, ready to be brave, happy, and confident all over again!
As we wind down the year, I wanted to share some lighter, more whimsical ways to enjoy the festive season. Let’s take a look at how we can tread lightly and smile more this...
How are you feeling? Energised and full of life or do you feel like you’re dragging yourself across the finish line of 2024?
Have you been working like you don’t have a family, whilst being the best wife and mother like you don’t have a job, juggling it all and wearing yourself down to a nub in the process?
How do we get ourselves in these crazy situations?
Because we wanted a better life….. the problem is we’re not getting it because we’ve mis-managed our mental, emotional and physical energy but we keep applying the same strategy of work harder to pull us out of it.
And if you’re like I was, all you can hear in your mind is George Jetson stuck on the treadmill that’s spinning faster than his legs can run, yelling out, “Jane! Stop this crazy thing!”
The Science Behind Your Crazy Treadmill
A friend once shared a story about an injury that left him walking with a limp. Long after the pain was gone, he realized he was still limping—protecting himself from something that no longer existed. It was a lightbulb moment for him. He decided to change.
It got me thinking: where in life are you still limping?
We’ve talked about goals. We’ve talked about systems. Now it’s time to stop talking and start doing.
If you’ve ever set a goal—lose weight, get fit, earn more money, fix your health—and felt the sting of coming up short, you already know this: goal setting isn’t goal attainment.
If you’ve been missing the mark on achieving personal goals, over and over and over again, it’s you don’t have the tools, structure, or systems to make it happen.
Trying harder, doing more, pushing harder, hustling longer—it's what we do, but that’s not the answer and even if you have success, chances are you’ll have sacrificed something important along the way – health, relationships, friendships, life enjoyment?
Women’s Personal Health Leadership™ (WPHL) is how you redefine success through health-led life leadership.
Women in...
What do you want?
Do you want:
A new job?
To work for yourself?
Get out of the house more?
Be at home more?
Renovate your home (or life)?
To be in love?
To be married?
To be single?
More money?
More freedom?
To travel?
To relocate?
More friends?
More fun?
Some satisfaction in your life?
Less challenges?
Do you want to be the boss?
Do you want to retire?
Do you a baby (another baby?)
Play sport?
Learn a language?
What is it that you actually want?
And more importantly, what is it that you don’t want!?!
I have always been driven, I just didn’t always know where I was driving myself too!
When I was younger, I was driven, unfortunately...
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