Dietless Living® 360° Podcast | Episode 044 Never Suffer From Not Knowing What To Eat Again

podcast Mar 07, 2023

But if you’ve been struggling with your weight for more than 5 years, you’ve probably tried lots of ways of eating and become confused by it all? I got so confused that for the longest time I didn’t know what to do so I did nothing!

Watch this week’s episode of The Weight is Over™ for tips on how to take the confusion out of food and make food easy.

Watch this great episode of Dietless Living 360 Degrees on YouTube or listen to it on Spotify, iTunes, Google, or Amazon Music and find out.


#overcomingobstacles #personalhealthleadership #dietlessliving360degrees #katiegordon
#foodiseasy #foodislife #foodisfuel #ditchdiets

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The Will-Power Myth, Don’t Believe It!

This week I released a podcast about will-power and how implausible it is to rely on it to get us to success when it comes to sustainable weight loss.  

I got some interesting comments and thoughts about the relationship between will-power and weight loss on social media: 

“I think it's to do with the short-term desire compared with the long-term need. What do you think Katie?” 

  • Knowing what to eat never negates wanting to eat it and that’s the rub. Wanting doesn’t go away simply because we’ve changed our mind. If we were an ocean liner and the captain says lets do a U-Turn,  it takes time for the message to get through to everyone and then more time still for everything to happen and that boat to actually be pointing in the other direction”  

“Keep going and will power grows with stamina to get you there” 

  • “Yes, I got there, but it took me a quarter of a century because I was...
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Dietless Living® 360° Podcast | Episode 043 Oh Will-Power don’t leave me now!

podcast Feb 28, 2023


Oh Will-Power don’t leave me now!

Have you ever argued with yourself over eating something and lost the argument?

What the heck happens to our will-power when we want it most?

Watch this week’s episode of The Weight is Over™ for 3 tips that will help you win the will-power wars..

Watch this great episode of Dietless Living 360 Degrees on YouTube or listen to it on Spotify, iTunes, Google, or Amazon Music and find out.

#overcomingobstacles #personalhealthleadership #dietlessliving360degrees #katiegordon #willpower #freedom #choices #relaxandunwind

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How to enjoy this weekend with an extra $60 to spend on fun!


When the realisation comes that we need to lose weight, when something jars us into action, there’s an element of panic, and the resounding thought in our head is "Get it off me, and get if off now!" 


When we reach that point, that panic response results in the first biggest mistake smart women make. 


We dive in boots and all because we want quick fixes and we want it right now. 


We try to go from 0 – 100 and we change everything and do too much, too quick.  


Our plan follows a familiar pattern; 


  • A calorie-restrictive diet 
  • Coupled with intensive exercising 3- 5 times a week at gym, doing boot camps or maybe running every other day trying to burn through the calories to get the result fast 


The problem is that on top of our already busy schedule, working 50, 60, 70, hours a week at the office, under time pressures, deadlines, staff issues, conflict, and burning the midnight oil...

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Dietless Living® 360° Podcast | Episode 042 To people who want to lose weight but can’t get started!

podcast Feb 21, 2023

5 frogs are on a log and 2 decide to jump off. How many frogs are left on the log?

5! Because deciding isn’t doing!

Watch this week’s episode of The Weight is Over™ for 3 easy steps to getting started right now so you lose weight and get into that dress by Christmas time.

Watch this great episode of Dietless Living 360 Degrees on YouTube or listen to it on Spotify, iTunes, Google, or Amazon Music and find out. 


#overcomingobstacles #personalhealthleadership #dietlessliving360degrees #katiegordon #gettingstarted #beginagain #takingaction #loseweight #riddleoftheday #readyforthefuture

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5 things you can do right now to feel more energetic.

health & happiness Feb 17, 2023

This week I’m talking about why having
more zip, zazz and pazing in our day not only makes us feel good but is actually a match to the health we want to enjoy.  

What does having more energy in your energy tank feel like? It feels good doesn’t it? Those days when you wake up and you’re just “on”. The sun seems brighter, the world seems happier, and life just feels easier. 

We spend so much time thinking and worrying about our weight that the whole “living and enjoying a great life” part gets put on hold. 

But when we start living and enjoying ourselves, when we’re out having fun in our life, we switch over to using another part of our brain and we start making healthier, happier choices for ourselves naturally 

Because when we feel good, we want to keep feeling good. 

We all need more living in our life, so lets get started: 

  1. Make a list of 5 things that would make your happy heart sing this year....
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Dietless Living® 360° Podcast | Ep. 041 How can playfulness single handedly help you lose weight?

podcast Feb 13, 2023

How can playfulness single-handedly help you lose weight?

Watch this week’s episode of The Weight is Over™ and find out how fun and playfulness are actually the easiest way to successfully overcoming weight obstacles and challenges.

And remember to download the free playfulness poster to remind you to be playful every day!

Watch this great episode of Dietless Living 360 Degrees on YouTube or listen to it on Spotify, iTunes, Google, or Amazon Music and find out.

Download the Poster here:


#overcomingobstacles #personalhealthleadership #dietlessliving360degrees #katiegordon #healthymindset #play #fun #laughter #happyhealthyyou #liveyourbestlife

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What are the secrets to losing weight without diets or food restriction?

guesting & appearance Feb 10, 2023

This week I’m sharing a podcast I was a guest on recently with Debbie Bryan, here’s what Debbie had to say about it:

“In this Episode of Whatever It Takes, I’m speaking to Katie Gordon about the myths around diet and health. Katie tells how she discovered the secrets to losing weight without diets or food restriction and teaches others to do the same.  

A mind-blowing recording with Katie Gordon - Dietless Living® about how to lose weight without dieting, Katie makes it profoundly simple in a world of diet myths. You must listen if you are trying to lose weight right now.  

If you want to get more help with this just book in for aprivate sessionand let's just get it done this weekbecause life is for living.  

An ounce of adjustment is always easier to implement than 20 pound of change™.  

It's time to enjoy the life you’ve been...

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Dietless Living® 360 Degrees Podcast | Episode 040 with Jackie Jarvis

podcast Feb 07, 2023

What insights about the way we live our life and the weight we carry can be found when walking over 3000kms across Spain? Jackie Jarvis shares all in this terrific interview.

Watch this week’s episode of The Weight is Over™ and find out how walking can help you build mental strength and be successful in overcoming the obstacles and challenges in your life that are impacting your weight and health.

Watch this great episode of Dietless Living 360 Degrees on YouTube or listen to it on Spotify, iTunes, Google, or Amazon Music and find out.

#overcomingobstacles #personalhealthleadership #dietlessliving360degrees #katiegordon #healthymindset #creatingchange #mentalstrength#amazonbestsellers #walkingbenefits #walkingforwellbeing #transformation #wellbeingatwork

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Have you ever thought you won’t be able to change your bad habits?

health & happiness Feb 03, 2023

This week we’re talking about the mystery of habit relapse and what we can do to prevent it.  

I never thought I’d be able to change my bad habits. I’d been told more than once that I had “an addictive personality”, low self-esteem and self-worth, and that the reason I kept failing to change was because I “self-sabotaged” (presumably because I had low self-esteem and low self-worth).   

The reality is I didn’t understand the mechanisms of this amazing body and mind.  

I wasn’t self-sabotaging, I was relapsing into old habits.  

And I kept relapsing because that’s what our non-conscious mind and body are constantly pushing to return to, and I couldn’t win a fight that I didn’t understand.  

To break-free from the cycle we need to: 

     a.) Develop an understanding of this part of ourselves  

     b.) Build our knowledge of...

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