Happiness is a skill we have to learn and build.

Oct 28, 2022

When I began my Dietless Living® weight loss journey and developing my Personal Health Leadership™ skills I began noticing how happiness, playfulness and relaxation were the cornerstone ingredients to my success.

I had to learn the skills of being happy every day though because for me happiness was something I thought I could only have if I had a worry free life.

But I discovered that happiness is something that only each person can actively create for themselves, whether there are things to worry about or not, because happiness is really is a skill we have to learn and build like everything else.

Happiness is more than just an emotion; it’s something that mostly comes from creating an intentional lifestyle and a healthy, forward focused mindset. And while happiness alone cannot save us from disease, poverty or tragedy, living a happy life and developing our Personal Health Leadership™ skills can make it much easier to cope with the difficulties we all face when they come.

And it’s being able to cope easier with those difficulties that has the biggest positive impact on our weight and health.

If you want to get more help with this just book in for a private session and lets just get it done this week.


#diettlessliving #katiegordon #overcomingweightlossobstacles #positiveimpact #happiness #playfulness #relaxation #personalhealthleadership #health

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