I used to say, with pride, that I was driven to achieve—results-driven and driven to succeed, driven to lose weight, driven to get things done! But as it turned out, that was not a recipe for happy success.
When you’re driven, you’re the passenger right? At the mercy of where the driver wants to take you and how they want to drive!—Whether it’s slow as a snail or reckless and relentless, side-swiping everything in the way and leaving you arriving at your destination feeling like a wreck: weight and health issues, relationships in tatters, exhausted and unable to find the joy.
But when you’re the driver, you’re in control. Your hands are on the wheel, your feet are on the pedals, and you decide where you want to go. You can pull over for rest stops when you need them and take detours to explore the things that bring you joy.
Being driven means your internal forces are controlling your thoughts, feelings, and responses. It feels like you’re making the choices, but really, you’re being moved by unconscious habits, heading to a destination you may not even want.
That’s why so many women in their 40s and 50s find themselves asking, “What am I doing? What’s all this for?”
But when you’re driving, you determine the destination and the route.
How to Take the Driver’s Seat in Your Life
It’s not always the shortest or fastest path, although sometimes it is, but it’s almost always the most enjoyable route. There’s time to enjoy conversations with those along for the ride, take in the scenery, and decide if you want to add in some stops along the way.
Here are 3 things you can do to slide yourself into the driver’s seat:
✅ Step 1: Identify who or what is currently driving you. Take time to reflect on what’s pushing you forward. Is it external expectations, old habits, fear of failure or anxiety? Awareness is the first step to taking back the wheel.
✅ Step 2: Clarify your destination. What does success look like for you? Not just in your career, but in your relationships, health, personal growth, and happiness. Write it down and keep it visible.
✅ Step 3: Map out your route with intention. Set small, actionable steps that align with your vision. Build in time for rest, reflection, and fun along the way.
Or, put on your driving gloves, roll down the top, and come drive with us in Women's Personal Health Leadership™. We’re all about creating a life where you’re in the driver’s seat, heading toward a destination that truly fulfills you.
Ready to take the wheel? Join Women's Personal Health Leadership™ today!
Book your 60-Minute private consultation with me and let's just get on top of whatever's in your way right now so you can start living the life you've been looking for.
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