Why It's So Hard To Create Sustainable Habit Change?

Oct 28, 2020



If you talk to anyone who is trying to start or stop doing something, most of them, if not all, would tell you how hard it is to let go of the old habits and start practicing new ones. And that is exactly what yo-yo dieting is all about. It's the relapsing back into old habits and the inability to start or stop doing something.


Sustainable weight loss is only achieved through sustainable habit change.


This is the main reason why diets don't work because they are not sustainable habit change; they just change your food.


  • Diets don't teach you anything about sustainable habit change or personal transformation, which is key to achieving sustainable weight loss.


  • Diets also don't teach you the coping skills you need when you are experiencing personal crisis which is when you experience a relapse into old eating habits, patterns and behaviours.


We need to be able to move beyond those learned behaviours and create sustainable habit change.


One of the things I teach in Dietless Living is your 3 Systems of Self - your 3 systems of consciousness, because that's really what's in charge of your habits.


It's being able to understand your consciousness, your 3 Systems of Self, that will set you free and allow to create sustainable habit change to your eating habits, patterns and behavior so you can lose weight naturally and keep it off, and change how you think, feel and react to life so you can experience personal transformation and step into your most extraordinary life with choices, freedom and control so you can live, laugh. love, lose weight and achieve more.

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