Where does the mental fortitude to constantly overcome obstacles come from? Is it something you’re born with or is it a skill, a muscle that you build over your life?
I truly believe that even if you're born with it, you still have to be living a great life that helps you to constantly hone that resilience and mental fortitude and we do that through the challenges we give ourselves.
And that's why Lindsey Legg has mental fortitude in spades! This woman is the very definition of unstoppable!
Lindsey is the essence of femininity with so much creative talent and a mind that’s constantly creating, that I can’t help but think she’s a female Leonardo Da Vinci! She’s also a champion athlete in multiple sports including kick boxing, she runs 3 businesses, has 3 young children, used to sit for hours as a child and draw the objects she could see around the house, and taught herself to draw portraits and see’s design in everything she looks at.
Her mental fortitude and her ability to be highly organised seem counter intuitive to a person who is so creative and could sit still for hours and get lost in her art. Yet it’s that other side of Lindsey that provides her drive to became a champion in sports and it’s what gave her the strength & ability to keep all the plates spinning in her extraordinarily busy life when in the span of 30 days her mum had a double cardiac arrest and lay in a coma, her 2 yo son was also in hospital and with life-threatening sepsis, and 5 of her biggest clients closed their accounts.
Lindsey’s mental fortitude comes down to one simple philosophy: live your best life.
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