Dietless Living® 360 Degrees Podcast | Episode 022 with Barney Hodgson

Oct 04, 2022

What’s perseverance? It’s maintaining steady persistence and continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition.

And that’s what you need to change your life’s trajectory and that’s what Barney Hodgson has in spades, the ability to persevere.

Sometimes we have to break ourselves down, change many, if not all, aspects of our lives because we find the way we’re living our life is no longer tolerable. And the biggest obstacle we face in those times is it leads us to being incredibly vulnerable to our own inner demons as we take the reins of our life back and start to steer it through conscious choices that go against every natural instinct that is telling you to stay the same.

Barney realised that the road he was on was no longer working for him and he changed every aspect of his life and started carving out his new path. He’s pulled himself up by his bootstraps every single day and fights for what he wants. He’s been developing new strategies, processes, beliefs, and attitudes and finally living his life by the values he’s chosen. But is it easy to change lanes mid-way in career and life?

Life is not a fairy tale, life is where we do the real work and Barney is doing that work. Watch today's episode to find out more about how Barney is overcoming his obstacles so he can enjoy the life he’s been looking for.

Watch this great episode of Dietless Living 360 Degrees on YouTube or listen to it on Spotify, iTunes, Google, or Amazon Music.


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