''How the heck did I get here?''

Dec 09, 2021

Have you ever found yourself in a situation, and wondered ''how the heck did I get here?''

I know I have…..many, many, maaaany times, especially with my weight! And I was always left wondering how did I allow it to happen?
Then I learned the theory of how to boil a frog 🐸 and it changed my life. 🎈
To boil a frog: put him in a pot of room temperature water and then very very slowly keep adjusting the heat and the frog will make adjustment after adjustment after adjustment in its body temperature until eventually it accidentally allows itself to be boiled. 🥣
When you gain weight, you do the same thing, you make adjustment after adjustment after adjustment:

▪ You start wearing the clothes that are a bit looser
▪ You let your belt out a notch
▪ You go shopping and buy new clothes but they are the next size up
▪ You stop getting on the scales because you don't like what they say
▪ You stop looking at yourself naked in the mirror or you make sure it's at the most flattering angle as you suck in your belly...
Until one day you realise you’re no longer ‘a little overweight’ but actually fat and the road back to good health is a long one.
There’s always a trail of breadcrumbs that can be followed back to when things started to slide. Like stepping stones through a garden, it's easy to follow the sequence of events and see where things could've taken a different path if corrective action had been taken, instead of another adjustment.

If you've been adjusting your belt or buying bigger sizes , now is the time to take corrective action.
In my book “From Fat Forever To Dietless Living" I tell my story  how many ways I made adjustments that resulted in 25 years of yo-yo weight loss/ weight gain and how I turned it around and:  

👉 Took control of my eating habits, patterns, and behaviours

👉 Overcome sugar and food addiction, temptation, emotional and impulse eating

👉 Created a positive relationship with food, exercise, and my body, in fun and easy ways

👉Developed healthy eating habits without restriction of any kind

👉Introduced more fun and playfulness in my everyday life

👉Stepped into my most extraordinary life with choices, freedom and control

I’m just an ordinary person, if I can do it, so can you.

Do the thing and have the power
If you’re going to invest in anything right now, invest in your health.

Because every Body deserves to feel great.
You can find out more about how my story can help you here: https://buff.ly/2PlaGgi 
Dietless Living is helping busy, stressed women who want change to be easy, to live, laugh, love, lose weight for life & achieve more.
In the meantime, here’s to your health and happiness so you can love what you create.

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