Know your foods so you can #noyourfood™

Sep 02, 2022

Abstainers and Moderators: Which are you with which foods?

Moderator: a person who can open a bottle of beverage, a block of chocolate, a bag of crisps, a packet of lollies or biscuits or have a particular cuisine and only eat 1 serving of it.

This means they can put the rest back in the fridge or cupboard and forget about it until another day, then the next time, just have one serving and put it aside again. They can even have it in plain sight all day every day and still only have one serving every other day with ease.

Abstainer: a person who is not a moderator with certain foods and despite their best efforts, they consume most or all in one sitting. Their best course of action with those food and beverages is to abstain from them. The saying that one’s too many and one hundred’s not enough is their motto for those items.

To know if you need to abstain from certain food and beverages, consider if once something has been bought or opened whether it must be eaten, and generally in one sitting, or if you're able to put it away and forget about it?

Weight Loss Tip:
Think about the food and beverages you consume and decide on a case by case, food by food, beverage by beverage basis, which category that item is for you.

It doesn’t mean you can never have it, although for some people that is the case as having it once can set them off on a binge of some kind. It just means that you are aware that it excites your taste buds and you need to be consciously aware of that and work with yourself accordingly.

For me, I’m an abstainer on all sugary foods and beverages, Indian food (it excites my taste buds and leads to over consumption), creamy foods and crispbreads (the crunch and topping excites my taste buds and leads to over consumption).

My methodology for those items is I simply don’t purchase them. And on the occasion I do want them I buy the smallest amount possible. For example, if I have a desire for some chocolate, I purchase a wee Freddo Frog rather than a bar or block of chocolate, because as Dolly Parton famously once said, “You’ve had the whole banquet in the first 2 mouthfuls”.

If you'd like some advice or have any questions, just reach out, I'm happy to help 🥰

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