A Fool Proof Way To Achieve Easy Change Over 365 Days.
When we think about making changes, we often procrastinate because we think of change as 'challenging', 'daunting', 'uncomfortable' or we just plain dread it.
We think we have to give up something to gain something and we're not always keen on giving up things we've grown attached to, even if they're things that no longer serve us in helpful, healthy or happy ways.
So imagine if you could simply allow yourself to out grow it?
Out growing stuff is easy right?
You've been doing it your whole life.
You've outgrown:
🎈The tooth fairy
🎈Sucking your thumb
🎈Being scared of the dark
🎈Toys you've loved
🎈Friends from childhood
🎈Friends from school
🎈People you used to work with
🎈Neighbours you no longer live next too
🎈Groups you're no longer involved with
🎈Schedules you've lived by
🎈Having someone look after you
🎈Playground scuffles
🎈Being upset with your friend for having their lunch with someone else
🎈The fashion you wore in the 80's
🎈The hairstyle you had when you were a teenager
🎈Eating your boogers (fav food for some kids)
🎈Fairy bread
🎈That insect collection you had....
It's a long list of things you have naturally outgrown isn't it?
Stop hanging on to things that no longer work for you, and allow them and you to go to the next place you need to be, by simply allowing yourself to out grow it.
A continuing process of change from one state or condition to another can be natural you know, you don't always have to force things to change, you can set your sights on what you want and easily and continuously move towards it and allow what doesn't support it to simply slip away.
What was the last thing you out grew and what would you like to outgrow this year?
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Book your 60-Minute private consultation with me and let's just get on top of whatever's in your way right now so you can start living the life you've been looking for.
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