Having a happy heart is a crucial key to long term weight loss without dieting.
If you’re overweight, it’s most likely because you’ve been coping with life using food and beverages to soothe and manage your emotions and alleviate stress and tension.
Which means you have more stress and tension in your life than you do relaxation and joy.
If you have more stress and tension in your life than you do relaxation and joy and you’re overweight, then you’re already feeling very restricted, aren’t you?
So it’s easy to see that going on a rigid, restricting diet and/or exercise program is really just compounding the issue.
Great change doesn’t happen when you tighten down and restrict yourself more.
Great and lasting change happens when you loosen up and release your grip and allow yourself to have fun.
We underestimate the value of happiness and the role it plays in our life.
Having a happy heart is the doorway to;
Having a happy heart is the key to developing the emotional stability you need to overcome;
Finding ways to make your happy heart sing is all about;
In short, absolutely everything about how you live your life contributes to your ability to achieve emotional stability and ultimately feel happy within yourself about yourself and your life.
When you feel happy about yourself and your life;
Emotional stability and resilience is a cornerstone of changing your eating habits, patterns and behaviours and being able to break-free from repeating cycles of weight loss and weight gain.
Start with easy things, look for something simple that you can do each day to bring a smile to your face;
Finding ways to be happy is easier than you think….once you decide that’s how you want to feel, you know it’s time to take action.
Book your 60-Minute private consultation with me and let's just get on top of whatever's in your way right now so you can start living the life you've been looking for.
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