The $64,000 question is what’s making us fat?

There’s only 1 reason we’re overweight, and that is that we can’t stop eating.

But why can’t we stop? How come sometimes we can control “wanting” and other times, “wanting” has control over us?

And why does that wanting turn into a juggernaut of unconscious eating that sweep us away like a runaway freight train causing us to gain weight time and time again?

We’re intelligent and accomplished, we organise busy, successful lives, we're capable of obtaining degrees and diplomas, and running businesses, families and households.

There is seemingly nothing we can’t do when we put our minds to it, so why can’t we control our eating so we can lose weight for life?

Some studies indicate that our inability to successfully change our eating habits is because we consume foods that have the same addictive qualities as heroin and crack cocaine.

And it’s true, highly processed foods are manufactured to make them so good that...

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It's Not About The Number On The Scale

diets & dieting Jan 01, 2022

Your weight and health goals does not stop at the number on the scale.

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I thought I was on a weight loss journey, but it was so much more! 💃

So many women and men understand that knowing what not to eat, doesn't stop them from eating it. They know their problem isn’t what they eat, but why they eat it.
I struggled with this for a quarter of a century!  
I just wanted to know why I couldn’t make change stick!
How could I do all that research, constantly read book after book and attend training after training, year after year and apply what I was learning but still find myself back where I started?
Why did I relapse back into old behaviours where cravings would ultimately win the battle over and over again?

Everything I read and learned always talked about the ego and the unconscious mind. As far as I could see the ego, the unconscious mind were all separate to who we are – to who I am – because they seemed to be the one running the show – my show!

How could I possibly change, how could I be different if I wasn’t the one running MY show?

Every diet, every exercise...

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Why Restrictive Diets Are Unhelpful | Dietless Living


Why restrictive diets are not helpful for sustainable weight loss...

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Do you feed your hunger or do you feed your feelings?

Do you feed your hunger or do you feed your feelings?

The primary reason why some people overeat or reach for food for comfort is because they currently have an emotion or feeling that is unpleasant.

And that's exactly the reason why they reach for food is because they want to feel a sudden relief from that unpleasantness, they want some comfort.

What can you do?

Every time you feel compelled to reach for food for comfort, take a moment to investigate what triggered your urge.

To manage emotional eating, you have to identify your emotional eating pattern, take note of what you're feeling in the moment you're reaching for the food.

This will help you manage your emotions and the patterns that triggers you to emotional eat.

To stop emotional eating, you have to find other ways you can fulfill yourself emotionally in healthy and helpful ways.

If you're feeling lonely, sad or depressed, play your favourite music, play with your pet, or call someone...

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Too Much; Too Soon!


What's the biggest mistake women do when trying to lose weight?

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How Can You Start Dietless Living?

diets & dieting Jun 04, 2021

One of the things I teach my clients is how to Go Against Every Natural Instinct and Do the Opposite.

Have you ever asked yourself why you are stuck doing the same things or being in the same situations?

That is because you are following the same habits and routines.

Remember, if you want to live life differently, you have to change your experiences and Going Against Every Natural Instincts will help to break that dominos flow throughout the day.

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Biggest Mistake Women Do When Trying To Lose Weight


Why Do Smart Women Make Mistakes When They Have To Lose Weight?

This is a very short 1 minute 11 second audio that I wanted to share because I made this mistake over and over and over and over again and I always blamed myself.

I always told myself that there was something inherently wrong with me because I just kept falling off the weight loss wagon and piling the weight back on.

We simply don't realise that there are other choices to make.

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STOP Dieting; START Living


"When you are happy, you make better and healthier choices for yourself."

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The Easiest Recipe For Weight Loss To Remember


Have you tried all the potions and pills, diet plans, exercise programs, or anything at all to lose weight but somehow you always find yourself right back where you started? If so, then you should watch this video.

For this Facebook live, we'll talk the easiest weight loss recipe that you'll only need to remember for the rest of your life.

If you haven't already, please follow my Facebook page, so you will be notified when I do Facebook lives in the future.


"I’m committed to broadcasting a live video every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on social media so that I can support as many people as possible during this time of health crisis, for as long as needed. This is my little way of giving back and helping the community."

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