Have you ever been jealous of a skinny chick?


This is why it doesn't help you....

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The Surprising Connection Between Happiness and Weight Loss


In this Facebook live, we will talk about the surprising connection between happiness and weight loss.

If you haven't already, please follow my Facebook page www.facebook.com/dietlessliving/, so you will be notified when I do Facebook lives in the future.


"I’m committed to broadcasting a live video every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on social media so that I can support as many people as possible during this time of health crisis, for as long as needed. This is my little way of giving back and helping the community."

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The Importance of Intentionally Creating Change


In this Facebook live, we will talk about the importance of intentionally creating change.

If you haven't already, please follow my Facebook page www.facebook.com/dietlessliving/ , so you will be notified when I do Facebook lives in the future.


"I’m committed to broadcasting a live video every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on social media so that I can support as many people as possible during this time of health crisis, for as long as needed. This is my little way of giving back and helping the community."

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How To Live A Balanced Life | Dietless Living


If we want to live a balanced life, then we need to balance our emotions instead of anchoring them to food and beverages, instead of divorcing ourselves from them and burying ourselves in "busy" work, instead of running away what we can't run away from - our internal discomfort.
I remember when my life was out of balance, when my life was so full it was actually empty and I was using food and beverages as a substitute for everything that was missing. What I really needed - wanted - was someone who understood my situation, someone who actually understood what I was experiencing AND had answers to help me resolve it myself. I wanted someone to walk beside me and help me through it all the way.
Living a balanced life is obtainable, even if you're living the most chaotic one right now, there is a way, and it's way easier than you think.
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How Do Your Thoughts Create Things?


For this Facebook live, we'll talk about how your thoughts create things.

If you haven't already, please follow my Facebook page www.facebook.com/dietlessliving/, so you will be notified when I do Facebook lives in the future.


"I’m committed to broadcasting a live video every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on social media so that I can support as many people as possible during this time of health crisis, for as long as needed. This is my little way of giving back and helping the community."

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DEALING WITH NEGATIVE THOUGHTS: The Truth About Why You Can't Control Them


We all deal with negative thoughts, aren't we?

For this Facebook live, we'll talk about dealing with negative thoughts and the reason why we can't control them. I will also share some important tips on how to manage your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.

If you haven't already, follow my Facebook page www.facebook.com/dietlessliving/, so you will be notified when I do Facebook lives in the future.


"I’m committed to broadcasting a live video every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on social media so that I can support as many people as possible during this time of health crisis, for as long as needed. This is my little way of giving back and helping the community."

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Here's How You Can Change Your Body By Just Dedicating 2 Minutes Of Your Time Every Day


What are the activities you enjoy doing?

For this Facebook live, we'll talk about how you can change your body by just dedicating 2 minutes of your time every day doing fun and enjoyable things.

"I’m committed to broadcasting a live video every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on social media so that I can support as many people as possible during this time of health crisis, for as long as needed. This is my little way of giving back and helping the community."

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Stay Calm, Stay Focused, And Keep Asking Yourself; What’s The Next Most Important Thing I Need To Do?


The other day I was sitting in the sun enjoying a cloudless blue sky and brilliant sunshine, staring lazily at the world around me, thinking about nothing in particular, just letting my mind rest and my body enjoy the warmth of the sunshine.

Sometimes I think Superman and I must be related, a good dose of sunshine recharges me too, it's a remedy for everything and gives me life.

As I was sitting there, all empty head and morning stares, my thoughts drifted over an endless flow of different things like cool water over pebbles in the mountain stream.

I saw some a couple of young people nearby and remembered when I was that young and how back then, especially at 21, how mature I felt, like I'd arrived at adulthood.

I was doing all the things that I’d equated with maturity, working, driving, and living with my boyfriend of the time, keeping house and generally being an adult in every way, no longer looking to my parents to take care of my needs.

Nothing about how I was...

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What To Do If You've Piled On COVID Kilos | The Project Kuwait Podcast



"For the people that are sitting at home, who have put on a lot of weight, my suggestion is to get out and have some enjoyment. So, the main two things you need to do is increase physical relaxation. Because the body is like a pressure cooker. It's just building pressure all day, just through the clothes, we wear tight fitting clothes, there stimulates the food we eat, they upset our body, it causes tension. "


Here is another snippet from my podcast interview with The Project Kuwait Podcast.

Listen to the full episode here: https://spoti.fi/2Wq7i3z

Check out The Project Kuwait Podcast here: https://www.theprojectkuwait.com/

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What Is Your Greatest Challenge At The Moment With All Your Current Changes?


In this live, we'll talk about all the changes that are going on currently with the Coronavirus pandemic. 

How is it affecting you and what are you doing to cope with all of the changes that are going on

If you want to be notified when I do my future FB lives, make sure to follow my Fb page https://www.facebook.com/dietlessliving/

"I’m committed to broadcasting a live video every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on social media so that I can support as many people as possible during this time of health crisis, for as long as needed. This is my little way of giving back and helping the community."

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