Stop Your Mind From Doing This and Live a Happier Life

If you had a time machine, what experiences from the past would you choose to relive?

You're not going to relive the horrible experience, are you?

Yet, that's what your brain does, keeping you stuck in past unhappy memories, causing you stress and anxiety. Instead of reliving the unpleasant experiences, turn your attention to the moments when you felt happy, powerful and confident.

This will help you feel good, reduce stress and make it easier for you to make good choices for yourself.

Are you ready to step into your most extraordinary life and live a life of choices, freedom and control?

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Why It's So Hard To Create Sustainable Habit Change?



If you talk to anyone who is trying to start or stop doing something, most of them, if not all, would tell you how hard it is to let go of the old habits and start practicing new ones. And that is exactly what yo-yo dieting is all about. It's the relapsing back into old habits and the inability to start or stop doing something.


Sustainable weight loss is only achieved through sustainable habit change.


This is the main reason why diets don't work because they are not sustainable habit change; they just change your food.


  • Diets don't teach you anything about sustainable habit change or personal transformation, which is key to achieving sustainable weight loss.


  • Diets also don't teach you the coping skills you need when you are experiencing personal crisis which is when you experience a relapse into old eating habits, patterns and behaviours.


We need to be able to move beyond those learned behaviours and create sustainable habit...

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5 Things You Can Do To Get Going When You Need To Lose Weight


Here are 5 things that you can do when you realize that you're painted yourself into a corner, and it's time to lose weight.

I remember for me, some of the times that I went on a diet, I was motivated by that moment where I realize that I'm overweight. We know we're overweight, but we don't understand how overweight we are because our mind is playing little tricks with us.

We have these times where we see a picture of ourselves or something happened and we go, "Oh my God! How did I get to be that big!" and we feel like we've painted ourselves into a bit of a corner in regards to our health and our weight. And we're not sure where to start because of that shock, that realization of just how big we've gotten and it hits that panic button for us and we're not sure what to do.

Most people just jump straight in and find the first calorie-restrictive diet, they can get their hands on. And they usually join a boot camp or a gym or something but those are really short-lived plans...

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I'm Exercising But Not Losing The Weight

How long have you been on a diet? 5, 10 or maybe 20 years?

How many things have you tried and how many of them worked and for how long?

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result, isn’t it?

But it doesn’t feel like you’re doing the same thing over and over, does it?

All the eating plans, detox’s, exercise programs, cleanses, the different styles of eating and wellness programs, they all feel like they’re new and different…but they all lead you right back to where you started.

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Have You Tried Liver Detox?


We hear so many suggestions from our family, circle of friends, and advertisements splashed across all social media, different ways to lose weight.

"Take this pill"

"Enroll in the class

"Do this exercise"

Or "try this liver detox" and many more

But unless they teach you how to get a handle of your unconscious eating habits, patterns, and behaviours and get to the primary cause of your weight problems, you will end up right back where you started.

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Are You In The Waiting Room?


How Do You Bounce Back From Worry & Stress?

Do you ever feel like your living life in a state of survival?

Unable to create the change you want because you're waiting for something "things to change" first so you can concentrate on your needs?

Are you stuck in the waiting room of life while the happiness train passes you by? It doesn't need to be that way.

Discover how to be powerfully playful and bounce back from stress and worry and step into your most extraordinary life with choices, freedom, and control.

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I Just Cried!!!


Are you stuck in a continuous battle against weight gain?

Are you giving your everything to your weight loss program and diet but you just can’t stop eating!? And you end up crying?

It's frustrating, isn't it?

If you’re like me, you’ve spent thousands of dollars, tried everything and thought there must be something wrong with you because no matter what you try, you’re bewildered why you find yourself right back where you started, every single time.

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Why Gastric Banding Doesn't Work?


Do you know someone who has had to resort to gastric band surgery to lose weight, or maybe it's you? And even though you've had the surgery, you're still overconsuming calories?

To step into your most extraordinary life with choices freedom and control you have to master your unconscious eating habits, patterns, and behaviours.

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Have You Ever Wished You Were Fat Again? Here's Why


Do you know one of the most little known phenomena is that when we lose weight our unconscious mind secretly wants us to return to being overweight again?

The self-criticism and low self-worth don't change just because you lose weight and the thoughts that drove your eating habits, patterns and behaviours are what drive you back to being overweight again.

The key to sustaining change is learning the skills to master your inner critic and re-build and develop greater confidence and self-worth, learning how to love yourself no matter what.

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Why You Can't Out Exercise A Bad Habit

“It’s ok, I can eat whatever I want/smoke cigarettes/drink too much alcohol because I’m fit from all the exercise I do”

Do you know anyone who says that? Or maybe it’s you that says that?

There is a common misconception among people that if you are living a healthy life, exercising and eating healthy foods, it's okay if you cling to your bad habit. Unfortunately, you can’t out-exercise a bad habit.

Bad habits will always have a negative impact on your health, no matter how you try to counteract them.

Don’t wait any longer, now is the time to get rid of your bad habits and live your life with choices, freedom, and control.

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