Did you know that the number on the scale is one of the biggest contributing factors why people fall off the dieting wagon?
Stop weighing yourself and start caring for yourself.
How does your body feel right now?
How does your body feel when you wake up in the morning or when you go to sleep at night?
Your body is talking to you all day, every day and it has a lot to say. But most times, we just block it out and we don't pay attention.
We get cranky all the time,
We have body pains.
We have headaches all the time.
We live on antacids.
And generally we don't feel great.
Because we don't listen to our bodies!
So today, I invite you to listen to your body and think about what your body is saying to you and think about how you can improve your health.
How do you define 'Living Life to The Fullest"?
Is it spending your time partying and eating and drinking as much as you want?
In this short video, you’ll discover what you’re really doing and why and how to step into your most extraordinary life.
"If I lose weight, I will live the life I've been dreaming of."
Do you ever think your weight has blocked your happiness and overall satisfaction of life?
If you do, I have a message for you.
Losing weight is only part of the solution. Your happiness doesn't depend on you being a perfect weight.
The future of your health and happiness depends mostly on your ability to change your unconscious and conditioned habits, reactions and behaviours.
Everybody thinks that it's hard to achieve work-life balance nowadays. But is it really?
It's simple. Paying attention to your thoughts and feelings is the first step towards achieving work life balance.
If you talk to anyone who is trying to start or stop doing something, most of them, if not all, would tell you how hard it is to let go of the old habits and start practicing new ones. And that is exactly what yo-yo dieting is all about. It's the relapsing back into old habits and the inability to start or stop doing something.
Sustainable weight loss is only achieved through sustainable habit change.
This is the main reason why diets don't work because they are not sustainable habit change; they just change your food.
We need to be able to move beyond those learned behaviours and create sustainable habit...
“It’s ok, I can eat whatever I want/smoke cigarettes/drink too much alcohol because I’m fit from all the exercise I do”
Do you know anyone who says that? Or maybe it’s you that says that?
There is a common misconception among people that if you are living a healthy life, exercising and eating healthy foods, it's okay if you cling to your bad habit. Unfortunately, you can’t out-exercise a bad habit.
Bad habits will always have a negative impact on your health, no matter how you try to counteract them.
Don’t wait any longer, now is the time to get rid of your bad habits and live your life with choices, freedom, and control.
Which should you focus on the most; the result or the process?
This is very familiar, isn't it?
You weigh yourself multiple times a day hoping to see fast results, but when the result is unfavourable you get discouraged and frustration hits you hard again.
It's because you're focusing on the results, not the process.
When you focus on the process, the results will take care of themselves.
For some reason we think that any kind of a ‘failure’ is a sign of, well, failure!
The word ‘failure’ strikes fear into the hearts and minds of most people, doesn’t it?
It’s just so laden with bad vibes, I can’t think of a time the word ‘failure’ has ever been linked to anything happy or inspiring.
The attached quote is one of my all time favorites, failure is really the unsung hero of any success.
Because of the times when success isn’t achieved, the product, service, event, relationships, job, presentation, invention, whatever it is, is all the better for it when success finally comes.
Because “failing” is merely learning. You didn’t fail at walking, using the toilet, eating solids, learning how to dress yourself, or any of the other 1000’s of things you had to learn to do as you grew up.
What have you “failed” at only...
We've all heard people say you've 'got to be persistent' to make change.
I say it all the time "You need to be consistent to be persistent."
What most people mean though is that you have to just push through the barriers, push through the obstacles, maybe bludgeon your way through or into something.
And even if that's not what you mean when you encourage someone to be persistent, that's what they hear.
Because if you have to encourage someone to be persistent, then it most likely means they've been at something for a while and they're not seeing the evidence that they were expecting to see that indicates they're making headway.
They feel like they're running into a head-wind when what they'd like to feel is the help of a tail-wind.
Being persistent feels like you're pushing against defeat, that if you give up your persistent effort, defeat will come in and sweep you away.
The meaning of...
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