It’s a great time to be alive! 

It’s a great time to be alive!  


Thanks’ to the tough, strong, courageous, collaborative, determined, resilient and committed women who pioneered the Women’s Liberation Movement in the 60’s – 70’s, they significantly improved the status and opportunities available to women today. 


50+ years later, we are living lifestyles that our mothers and grandmothers may not have even dreamed about in regards to enjoying fulfilling careers, following personal interests, and rising to C Suite levels.  


And therein lies the conundrum that often leads to women in the 40’s and 50’s walking away from careers they’ve worked so very hard to build.  


We were raised in the best of times for opportunities and choice, by women with strong family values of domesticity, modesty, nurturing, caregiving, and homemaking.  


I read somewhere a perfect way to describe the women from...

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The Power Of You!


There is too much to do! My life is too busy, there’s just too many things to overcome, I can’t see how on earth I’ll ever be able to ditch this weight! I've got to have my freedom, it's all just too much, I just can’t get my head around it! 




It happens doesn’t it, we find ourselves looking at the scales and wondering how the heck did that happen? When did that number get so big? And how on earth are going to get it back down?  


It can be very overwhelming, but it can also be very empowering


Because it’s in those moments we wake up and decide enough is enough, it’s time to do something.  


But life is busy and losing weight can seem like a huge mountain we have to climb and we’re not sure how to we’re going to get there. The first thing is to take a deep breath, you don't have to do it all now,...

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Navigating the Weight Loss Journey Together

motivation & success Jan 12, 2024


Hands up if you’ve set a goal to lose weight this year? Keep your hands up if you’ve set this goal before? Well, I see you, and I hear you, I’ve made that same goal more times than I can count.


Embarking on a weight loss journey is like navigating uncharted waters; sometimes, the waves are calm, other times it feels like you're caught in a storm.


But you're not alone, I’ve navigated those waters successfully and reached the destination and I can help you do the same. 


Losing weight can be a rollercoaster ride, with its highs and lows, twists and turns.


It's not always easy, and if there's one thing I've learned over the years, it's that success doesn't come overnight, and setbacks are just a part of the road to success.


So, let's chat about this with the understanding that we've all been down this road before, and it's okay


First things first, let's acknowledge the...

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What do you want?


What do you want?  


Do you ever ask yourself that question?  


If you said yes, I invite you to check-in with yourself: do you ask yourself the question “what do I want” or do you think you know what you want because you complain about what you don’t want so much that it seems obvious that you know what you don’t want?  


The reality is we mostly do the complaining part rather than the more proactive approach of asking ourselves the straight up question “What do I actually want?”  


If we ask ourselves that question, we’re more likely to find ourselves living it.  


Because when you take the reins of your life, then you are the one in control. 


You’re in a better position to be steering that run away stallion that is our unpredictable life rather than being the person tied to its back flopping around, arms flailing, banging our head on...

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How do you step off the madness of thinking about how to lose weight and keep it off!?

It's a surreal moment isn't it? 


When you stand there, having an out of body experience watching yourself eat and wondering "Why can't I control my eating? Why am I putting food in my mouth I know I’ve decided not to eat? Why am I cheating on myself? I don't understand?"  


And even more bewildering is when you do all the "right things" and nothing happens or worse still, you put on weight!  


This is the shit that erodes at our confidence and image we have of ourselves. We think it’s an “us” thing, that no one else suffers this way and that everyone else has self-control.  


The real question becomes "How do I change what’s happening so I can get the health and life I want?"  


Now that question took me a quarter of a century to find the answer for 


Here’s what I discovered and how I found my freedom 


Gain Clarity: Understand...

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Unleashing Personal Health Leadership™: The Power of Dietless Living® in Transforming Unconscious Behaviors for Sustainable Weight Loss


In this world saturated with fleeting weight loss solutions, Dietless Living® stands out as an empowering approach to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight for life.  


By embracing and developing your Personal Health Leadership™ skills, you will go beyond surface-level changes by delving into the depths of your unconscious behaviours and habits through fun and interactive activities.  


Through my 3 Systems of Health Consciousness™ model, Dietless Living® empowers you to influence and transform your learned behaviours, paving the way forward to permanent weight loss.  


Let’s explore how the principles of Dietless Living® and Personal Health Leadership™ intertwine for superior results. 


  1. Sustainable Transformation through Personal Health Leadership™:  Dietless Living® embodies Personal Health Leadership™, a mindset that ...
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Dietless Living® 360°| Ep. 057 How can I feel inclined to exercise when I really don’t feel like it?


One of the biggest weight loss obstacles we have is moving our body daily.


And the main reason we don’t move our body daily is we simply don’t feel inclined to do it.


So what’s inclination?


It’s a:

 Liking or preference for something
 A desire to do it
 An appetite for it
 An aptitude, a capacity to do it
 A bias towards it
 You derive pleasure from it
 You have a fondness for it
 You feel an attraction to it
 You have a weakness for it, which means, you can’t abstain from it even if you want to!


So how do you get inclination to do something that you don’t have any inclination for?


Tune in to this week’s episode of The Weight is Over™ and find out.


Watch this great episode of Dietless Living 360 Degrees on YouTube or listen to it on Spotify, iTunes, Google, or Amazon Music and find out.

#freedomseekers #rewritemystory #takebackmylife #selfempowerment...

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Mid Year Motivator | What have you got planned?

Well, here we are on the cusp of June and drawing closer to the years mid-point.  


Have you achieved what you wanted to achieve so far?  


I certainly haven’t. But I’ve been looking at my big picture plan and thinking about what I have and haven’t achieved yet and why that is so that I can either replicate what went well or make a new plan for what didn’t.  


If you’re looking ahead to the next 7 months, here are some of the strategies I’m using to make my plan; maybe they will help you too.  


Step 1 

      Know where you are heading to. If you don’t have a destination in mind, any road will get you there. (I think the Cheshire Cat said that?) 


Step 2 

    What can you do right now

    What can’t you do right now? 

    What resources, skills, and talent do...

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How to enjoy this weekend with an extra $60 to spend on fun!


When the realisation comes that we need to lose weight, when something jars us into action, there’s an element of panic, and the resounding thought in our head is "Get it off me, and get if off now!" 


When we reach that point, that panic response results in the first biggest mistake smart women make. 


We dive in boots and all because we want quick fixes and we want it right now. 


We try to go from 0 – 100 and we change everything and do too much, too quick.  


Our plan follows a familiar pattern; 


  • A calorie-restrictive diet 
  • Coupled with intensive exercising 3- 5 times a week at gym, doing boot camps or maybe running every other day trying to burn through the calories to get the result fast 


The problem is that on top of our already busy schedule, working 50, 60, 70, hours a week at the office, under time pressures, deadlines, staff issues, conflict, and burning the midnight oil...

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How can you begin losing weight when you’re not ready to start?


This week we’re talking about creating meaningful and sustainable change through the power of small adjustments.

Our biggest obstacles
to losing weight and gaining health are the ones we have that stop us even getting started.

There’s always seems to be something in our way, something that “When I get past this, then I will have time to focus on me”.

Every year is full of celebrations, challenges and changes, all culminating at the end of the year with the daddy of all stresses, Christmas.

That’s why New Year’s Resolutions are so popular right; this is the time when we think we can take a minute to focus on ourselves before the cycle starts again.


But Why Do We Think We Have To Wait?

Because unless you’re experiencing one of those rare moments where the switch in our mind is triggered and turned “on” – you know that switch, the one that propels us into action like we just sat on a thumb tack? The one that gives us...

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