Note to self...stop bloody working!

This week I'm talking about the old habits.

One of my greatest obstacles and long standing habits that I consistently have to overcome, is being a workaholic.

I've had this pattern of behaviour since I first started working at age 15. It's something I easily fall into, but In the beginning it showed itself simply as a high work ethic and I worked diligently at whatever task I was given, always eager to please!

But over the years and jobs that simply developed into being a workaholic, working long hours and working hard at my jobs.

At least these days working for myself, I can say I do truly enjoy the time I spend working. But hey, my business isn't called Dietless Working, it's called Dietless Living® and it's time to hold the mirror up to myself again and get back to doing the living part.

I love walking but I never know where to find the great walking tracks, but recently I found a great app called All Trails - so problem solved!

Last weekend for our long weekend in...

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Dietless Living is about enjoying life.

I wanted to create a weight loss program that helps people lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle, because we want a way to enjoy our food and our life don’t we?

This is a way to lose weight and positively impact health through changing habits and lifestyle while preventing
relapse, it’s about longevity of change. The program consists of four different phases:

Phase 1: Identifying the problem
Phase 2: Changing the environment
Phase 3: Changing the routine
Phase 4: Maintaining the change

This way of living leads to weight loss success because it goes through the process of elevating happiness through changes in health that naturally lead to weight loss, backed up by a system to prevent relapse so you can enjoy
your life with a new healthier and happier body.

It's a process that can be followed by anyone who wants to lose weight and stay healthy for life and the program is divided into three sections: preparation, change, and maintenance.

In each section there are...

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Overcome Weight Loss Obstacles Weight Loss Tip:

health & happiness Sep 16, 2022

All our habits are accumulative.

Whatever the habits of your life are, helpful or unhelpful, they're accumulating and compounding and taking you to a future destination.

And habits are funny things, we pick them up willy nilly it seems, with no real thought to what we're training ourselves to do. One day you just decide to have a biscuit at 10am and then the next day, you remember that you had a biscuit at 10am and you liked it so you do it again, and the next 3 days after that, you find yourself having a biscuit at 10am. If you do that 5 days a week, every week, that's 5 biscuits a week, 20 a month, 240 biscuits a year. That's a lot of unnecessary calories, right?

And our brain is a little bit sneaky too, not on purpose, it's just the way evolution has designed it, but once it learns a new habit, it just puts it into the rotation with all the other things you've taught it to do automatically and you lose conscious awareness of the habits that are shaping your destination.

Now, a...

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Know your food so you can #noyourfood™.

health & happiness Sep 09, 2022

There are 101 protein products on the shelves of supermarkets and health food stores everywhere. But are they really as good for you as the marketing says?

Only you can decide what you want to consume, I simply encourage you to develop a habit of reading labels so you're aware of what you're putting into your body.

Reading the front label of this product would leave you thinking that it's a good choice and with a name like Raspberry Truffle, you're also thinking it's going to be yummy.

But when you think about all the ingredients on that ingredient list and how much processing each individual ingredient had to go through and then how much processing the whole concoction had to go through to give you the chewy tasty mouth sensation that will (in the eyes of the company) hopefully have you coming back for more, think about what your body has to do with it to extract the goodness (if indeed there is any) from it.

Protein bars are often purchased as a "healthy treat" and they're also...

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Know your food so you can #noyourfood

health & happiness Aug 26, 2022

Is losing weight and gaining health the same thing to your or are they different?

If they’re the same thing to you, than teaching yourself to read labels is crucial.

Being able to differentiate between slick marketing that tells you something is good for and being able to flip over the product and read the label and find out for yourself is empowering.

A rule of thumb to follow is that the first 3 ingredients listed = the bulk of the product.

The 2nd ingredient for this product is fructose.

There is a pretty good article about fructose on google: "Is Fructose Bad for You? The Surprising Truth."

The summary of the short article is: "Fructose is a type of sugar that makes up around 50% of table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup. Scientists are concerned that excessive intake may cause metabolic disorders."

And: "Many scientists believe that excess fructose consumption may be a key driver of many of the most serious diseases of today. These include obesity, type II diabetes,...

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Overcome Weight Loss Obstacles Tip:

Don’t burn the candle out at both ends; this seems like a no brainer statement but it’s increasingly disregarded as we strive to achieve more at the expense of our sleep.

Getting good quality sleep will help you manage your emotions better which in turn will help you choose health giving life supporting energy building food and beverages.

When we’re tired we consistently reach for food and beverages to “pick us up” but the reality is they push us down.

Alcoholic beverages, caffeinated beverages and even sugary beverages at night also cause poor sleep patterns which lead to brain fog and feeling lethargic the next day, which leads you to continuing the cycle of looking for pick me ups, which adds stress to your mind and body, which leads you back to looking for either more pick me up foods or soothing your rough emotional states with food.

Sleep is your friend, it will help you achieve more simply because you will think clearer and feel better, which in...

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No Your Food

Imagine…you’re at the supermarket, you’ve got a real craving for something salty and crunchy BUT you want to lose weight and improve your health. You’re body and mind are insistent that you satisfy their desire and you find yourself standing in front of the crisps.

You want to pull yourself away, but your feet stay stuck to the floor and your eyes glued to the crisps in front of you. You’re fighting with yourself “No, I don’t want them!” you say, but that other part of you, the one that feels so strong, is saying “Yes you do, they will taste soooo good!”

You break out in a cold sweat, the wanting is pretty intense and you know that you’re not going to be able to walk away empty handed, so your eyes are looking at what’s in front of you and you’re thinking I’ll get the best choice I can make.

What you see on the shelf is potato chips, vegan beetroot chips, lentil crisps, broccoli puffs, cauliflower...

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What Dietless Living Specializes

When we go on a weight loss program of any kind, we know they're trying to help us. But they just don't realise that we have to overcome the obstacles of our non-conscious mind to get the full and everlasting value and benefits of their program.

Dietless Living specializes in:
Health Mindset
New Habit Formation
Overcoming Obstacles
Changing relationship to food, exercise and self
Anticipating & Preventing Habit Relapse

We all have the resources within ourselves to lose weight, gain health, elevate well-being and happiness and enjoy the life we're looking for. We just need to know how to access, strengthen and connect them.

Chat soon,

Katie G xxx


#overcomeweightlossobstacles #6simplesteps #dietlessliving #katiegordon #healthmindset #weightlosscoach #habits #foodfreedom #happiness

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Why do we keep outsourcing our health to others?

We’re the only ones that can create our health. The problem is that we don’t know that we know that.

I remember always looking to others to tell me what to eat and how to exercise, what to do when, and how.

What I realised was all the weight loss plans, no matter how good they were, were really just that, a plan. An off the shelf solution, a one size fits all that at the end of the day really didn’t fit into my life: who I was, what I wanted to do, how I wanted to do it.

It was like being given a hiking map that tells me what path to follow through the forest and up to the top of the mountain. It tells me the path to take, but not the obstacles I’d have to overcome along the way to be able to reach my destination.

And that was really the problem that had to be solved, was how to overcome the plethora of obstacles associated with weight loss.

So I developed a process, a system, which resolves the obstacle of overcoming the obstacles.

10 years later, that...

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Do you ever feel like you've completely lost your will power?


Did you know it's because your brain gets tired?

And the good news is that you can revitalize your brain power easily and quickly and generate more will power and motivation and get yourself back in control.


Give yourself a moment to rest your mind through relaxation.

It's as easy as:

Sitting at your desk put your head in your hands Close your eyes
Rest Breathe Deeply
Allow yourself to slow down

Do this 6 times a day and replenish your will power resources.

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50% Complete

Two Step

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