Sam Altman said: "Hard work compounds like interest, and the earlier you do it, the more time you have for the benefits to pay off."
Why do we put off losing weight? Why do we avoid facing the truth about our weight and that it’s time to take care of ourselves and live our life free from the hours a day that thinking about our weight and body takes up?
Because we all think that losing weight is hard work.
If that quote from Sam Altman read: “Taking consistent and persistent action compounds like interest, and the earlier you do it, the more time you have for the benefits to pay off” you’d get a different vision in your mind wouldn’t you?
That’s really the secret to losing weight and indeed achieving any goal in life, consistency and persistency in deciding what you need to do to get you where you want to go and then making a plan to do it, scheduling it in to your mind and then taking the action and implementing.
How To Overcome Weight Loss...
There are just so many things around you that can help you get into the state of happiness fast.
At any moment of any day, especially when life feels hard, pause and take a moment to remember something that makes you happy (keep it simple: puppies, birds, flowers, kids laughing, snuggling in your comfy bed perhaps).
Or simply look outside and see the real things that are there just waiting for you to enjoy them: the blue sky, a baby laughing, kids playing, the trees, the flowers, even the weeds that grow and flourish in the sidewalk can be beautiful if you think about how they grow to full bloom even in such harsh environments.
Think happy and you will look for happy things. Did you know that what you look for you normally find?
Feelings of happiness in your mind and body are the real secret to great health as they;
Change the way you think
Which changes the way you feel
Which changes the way you perceive what is happening around you
Which changes the way you react
Which changes your...
A Fool Proof Way To Achieve Easy Change Over 365 Days.
When we think about making changes, we often procrastinate because we think of change as 'challenging', 'daunting', 'uncomfortable' or we just plain dread it.
We think we have to give up something to gain something and we're not always keen on giving up things we've grown attached to, even if they're things that no longer serve us in helpful, healthy or happy ways.
So imagine if you could simply allow yourself to out grow it?
Out growing stuff is easy right?
You've been doing it your whole life.
You've outgrown:
The tooth fairy
Sucking your thumb
Being scared of the dark
Toys you've loved
Friends from childhood
Friends from school
People you used to work with
Neighbours you no longer live next too
Groups you're no longer involved with
Schedules you've lived by
Having someone look after you
Playground scuffles
Being upset with your friend for having their lunch with someone else
The fashion you wore in the 80's
The hairstyle you had when...
When I decided to forget about dieting and focus on living, it changed more than my weight, it changed my life.
I'd grown up around trucks and when I was a little girl I went to work with my dad a lot and naturally I wanted to be a truck driver just like him. My father had a long history of driving international trucks in the 50’s and 60’s and in the 70’s he worked in Gove and Weipa, back before there was “fly in/fly out”, which meant we didn’t see him for a long time.
In 2012, I finally got my opportunity to make that little girl's dream a reality when I got on a project in Weipa operating a 60 Tonne rigid (which I learnt to operate on the job).
I worked on 2 more projects after Weipa; McArthur River and Maules Creek. There was a lot to love about this work, and one of them was living in a camp. Whilst most complained that they put on lots of weight as the food was all supplied, I always lost weight. I was just so happy living life that I was no...
Happiness actually isn’t very highly rated; it is highly coveted, but not highly rated in regards to the value it can add to your life.
Yet the ROI on happiness is massive!
Lowers your risk for cardiovascular disease
Lowers your blood pressure
Enables better sleep
Improves your diet
Boosts digestion
Reduces stress and anxiety.
Boosts your immune system
Reduces inflammation in the body
Reduces auto immune problems
Improves blood flow through your body by releasing tension from your body
Releasing tension from the body reduces migraines, headaches and aches and pains
Improves brain function (all the increased blood flow clears thinking)
Increases mental health
Increases emotional health
All of which helps you to maintain a healthy body weight because when you feel good you make better food choices, you want to exercise more, drink less alcohol and generally you have all round better health habits because happy people make happy healthy choices.
Imagine what you could do if...
The other day I popped a post in about what’s gone on in the background to get up my business up and running. The post was about how I needed to learn everything from scratch, basically I put myself through what I laughingly call “Katie University” as I’ve tried to work it all out and put the pieces of the business puzzle together.
And you know what, as I look at that post, I can see that’s exactly how dedicated I was for the 25 years preceding it when I was putting myself through another version of “Katie University” when I was trying to work out how to lose weight and stop relapsing and putting it back on. I wish I’d logged the hours I’d spent reading and listening to audiobooks, CDs, going to workshops, seminars, and taking courses. Not to mention my fetish for constant note-taking and writing down ideas and insights which filled many journals over the years as I tried to piece together the puzzle that is human behaviour....
I became a Dietless Living expert after being stuck in dieting hell for 25 years.
It didn’t matter what I did, nothing ever addressed or resolved the underlying issue behind my weight problem.
I’d reached a few crisis points over my life and each time I cleaned up my life and went to the next level in health and wellness.
Over 25 years I tried every diet, exercise program, alternative wellness programs, talking therapies and a full range of body and healing workers, and moved my life to all things organic, took every pill, powder and potion, but none of it gave me control of the driving force inside me.
In that time I also became a Master of NLP & Neuro Re-Patterning, Kinesiology, became professionally trained in Ericksonian Hypnosis, Results Coaching & Subconscious Reprograming, Suicide Intervention Skills, Pyschosomatic Therapies and studied to be a Naturopath because I wanted to know what drives our thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
Learning about human...
When circus elephants are young, their trainer ties a rope to their back leg then wraps the rope around a heavy stake in the ground. The baby elephant is not strong enough to break free. In time, it learns to be constrained – to not even try.
Later, as a fully mature adult, the trainer only has to tie a rope around the elephants leg and attach the other end to any pole or stake, and the elephant believes it's still trapped, even though it has amazing strength and power and could break free with zero effort. But because it's been conditioned to believe it's not strong enough, it no longer tries.
That's how I felt after years of yo yo weight loss/weight gain. My mind became conditioned to think it was impossible for me to break-free, that it was impossible for me to ever succeed at ditching the weight for life. And as a consequence over time, I'd begin weight loss programs with a limiting belief about my ability to succeed from the get go, and eventually I became unwilling to...
Understanding that everything is a system.
Our universe and earth are all systems: solar system, eco systems, marine systems.
And inside you there are many systems: biological, psychological, cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, skeletal and muscular systems, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive, are all systems.
Your consciousness is system too: unconscious, conscious and higher consciousness which is all driving your mental, emotional, behavioural and physical systems.
And lastly, your life is a system: home, work, family, friends, social, local, global.
But what happens when one or more of your systems begin to malfunction?
Disorder ensues and depending how many systems and the degree to which they malfunction, depends on how much disorder you’ll have to deal with before you can get the systems of your life back in order and functioning properly again.
But the more mental, emotional or physical energy you’re required to expel to bring your...
Dietless Living is changing more than just weight, it's changing lives.
This is a testimonial from a client who was able to go from dieting hell to Dietless Living and experience true liberation from herself and the internal narrative that was keeping her stuck.
If her testimonial gives you hope that you can change your life too, please take advantage of the Personal Weight Loss Success Plan today and kick start your 2022 for only $20.22. You can do that simply by clicking this link here :-)
Dietless Living is more than a weight loss program, it will change your life.
"I contacted Katie in a terrible state, depressed and not liking myself very much. I wanted to lose weight as I thought that was the answer to my problem. I had struggled with my weight for as long as I could remember, yo-yoing up and down on the scales and with the fluctuating weight came my fluctuating mood.
What I learnt by having Katie as my coach was that being lighter/smaller wasn’t the answer,...
50% Complete
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